Draft Proposed AMENDMENT: GGAA Restructuring & Constitution Review

Written by Webmaster

April 13, 2022


Dear National Leaders and Chapter Members,
As commissioned by the 2019 Convention, The Independent Restructuring and Constitution Review Committee is pleased to report that the review process is completed and amendment drafted; and wherefore, set forth this amendment to be adopted during GGAA’s 2022 Convention in Kansas City, Missouri. 
Pursuant to the Constitutional Guidelines on amendment proposal, we are sending this draft for you to review with your respective members and constituents in preparation for the convention and to be abreast of proposed changes pending.
The Committee, again is honored to serve the Grand Gedeh Community and in areas that will add value to our collective endeavors, and as well, initiate effort that would support GGAA’s growth, minimize conflict pushed to surface as a result of constitutional and procedural ambiguities.

Dennis J Bowah

Secretary General, GGAA National Independent Restructuring & Constitution Review Committee (NIRCR)

Approved:Hon. Kai Wleh

Chairman, Secretary General, GGAA National Independent Restructuring & Constitution Review Committee (NIRCR)

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