Congratulatory Message from Outgoing Administration

Written by Webmaster

May 17, 2023

On behalf of the Grand Gedeh Association in the Americas outgoing National administration headed by Hon. James Youboty and in my capacity as the outgoing National Secretary General of the Association, I wish to officially congratulate Madam Edith Poah and team for their elections as the new National Administration of GGAA as of this 14th Day of May 2023.

It was an honor serving our people here in America and back home in our various capacities; thank you Grand Gedeans for allowing us to serve you for the last 4 years and THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING our administration to ERECT THE STATUE of our late beloved son of Grand Gedeh and President of the Republic of Liberia, Dr. Samuel Kanyon Doe.

It is our ardent wish that the almighty God guides each of you as you perform your new roles as leaderships of this Noble organization.

Signed: Jay F Jarbah

Former National Secretary General

Grand Gedeh Association in the America

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